
New beginnings
The children have settled in beautifully, learning the wonders of friendships, sharing, playing with others and the joy and laughter this brings. Exploring and investigating their surroundings, learning all about themselves and their friends.
Our Foxglove Class have been showing a keen interest in seasonal autumnal changes. Some of the children have brought in some leaves, conkers etc. from family walks. To further this interest, the practitioners have taken the children into our amazing woodlands where they have been exploring the weather changes, leaves changing colour, collecting natural materials for collage and play. They found the woodland obstacle course, which they seemed to love and challenge themselves, risk assessing and having great fun with their new friends.
Bluebell class have taken a keen interest in farm animals, with a few of the children visiting farms in the holidays with their family! Staff have recreated a farm in the role-play area, both inside and in our outdoor area, where children have role-played. Also, children have made their own versions of animals, using different mark-making utensils, junk box modelling and other natural items. They have enjoyed listening to the different sounds of the animals, exploring colours, sizes, shapes and story books of animals. As an extension to this interest, we shall be taking the children to Edge Hill secondary school to their farm. The children will have the chance to learn more about the animals, feed them and pet them.
Snowdrop Class have taken a keen interest in different transport. Practitioners have created provocations for our 2/3yr old's to explore an array of vehicles, cars, and trucks of all sizes. Experimenting with mark making with transport, using paints, rice, leaves, mud, looking at tracks, using ramps and tunnels to see how far the cars will travel! They loved this!